
MUTANT PRO – Is It All About Protein Timing?
Protein or nutrient timing could be defined as the consumption of protein/nutrients in and/or around an exercise bout. This has been a favored strategy adopted by bodybuilders to optimize numerous performance- and muscular-related adaptations. Indeed, a number of researchers have...
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Hormones: Key to Muscle-Building—Fact or Myth?
If you read enough about fitness programs/nutrition, you will stumble across some article underlying the importance of hormones. Many fitness “gurus” preach about the importance of certain exercise programs that can maximize the release of testosterone, growth hormone and other...
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MUTANT MASS – For the Gainers
Bodybuilders commonly share the pursuit of a desired physique, body fat percentage or body weight. We know that muscle cannot be sculpted from a stick, and so it’s common ground for the majority of these athletes to look to increase...
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Creatine: Strength King or Gym Fail?
Creatine is a naturally occurring compound that is made in the liver and pancreas; however, 95% of it is stored in skeletal muscle. It's in the skeletal muscle where it is stored as phosphocreatine (PCr), which is used to fuel...
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