
When it comes to improving your physique and building as much muscle as possible, diet reigns supreme. But how much protein helps you gain muscle? What is the ideal blend of macronutrients to get the desired aesthetics? And do some diet structures work better than others? MUTANT is here to crush all these questions, helping you become a muscle-building and macronutrient-tracking expert.
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What exactly is the "mind-muscle connection"? How can you incorporate this mental concept into your training routine to maximize the effectiveness of your workouts? Here's some tips on how to unlock the psychological side of training.
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You’re not gaining muscle mass as easily as you should be. You’re often pretty moody and low energy. Maybe you’ve even secretly Google’d how to get rid of man boobs. Don’t freak out - you’re not alone. These are all...
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All a gym rat really wants for Christmas is an empty gym and lots of protein! If you’re a fiend for the iron, then you’ve probably got friends who are, too - so treat ‘em to a Merry Liftmas with...
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When you’re trying to build muscle, get leaner and feel healthier, it’s a no-brainer to clean up your diet - but it’s much easier said than done. Chicken breasts, salads and protein shakes are bound to get boring eventually, and...
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