
Look around your gym during peak hours and chances are high that you'll spot someone almost immediately with big arms. Try and jump on a bench Monday night and you'll find out quick that there's some serious pec development going...
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There's a great scene from the 2013 bodybuilding movie Pain & Gain, which stars Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Mark Wahlberg and Anthony Mackie. When first meeting Dwayne Johnson's character in the gym, while Mark Wahlberg's character begins to question him...
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You're confused about protein. How many grams per day? Per meal? Shakes versus whole food? Protein before you train, after you train, before bed ... in the middle of the night? We get it. And with all the information -...
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Summer is imminently upon us and as such, many people look to extreme measures to reduce body fat in a short period of time. With the rise of social media sponsors there’s an ever growing prevalence of “shortcuts” and misinformation available on how to reduce body fat.
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A large number of people lead an active lifestyle with the aim to lose body fat with minimal muscle loss for aesthetic or performance purposes. This can be taken to the extreme by individuals who are competitors in different aesthetic and/or weight class sports.
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