Stay Hydrated to Dominate Your Winter Gains

Staying hydrated in the winter is just as important as in the hot summer months. Unsurprisingly, bottled beverage sales go through the roof during summer as people try to fight the heat and avoid dehydration during outdoor workouts. Even though you may feel less thirsty during the winter months, continue reading for reasons why it is still necessary to stay hydrated even if the temperature is in the single digits.
Maintain Proper Hydration Levels
You shouldn’t rely on thirst alone to indicate when to hydrate. Most experts recommend drinking 11-16 cups of water per day. However, this recommendation is just for the normies, not hardcore MUTANTS like you! On workout days especially, you should aim for 16 cups or more. When we say “water,” this doesn’t necessarily mean plain water all the time. Water is also found in other fluids you can drink and can satisfy your hydration needs. However, try to avoid fluids containing a bunch of sugar and chemicals like synthetic colors and flavors. Although drinking alcohol can sometimes be fun, try to keep it at a minimum since it is one of the most dehydrating fluids.
High-quality supplements containing electrolytes like MUTANT’s GEAAR can help take the guesswork out of staying hydrated all winter since it contains five key electrolytes at clinically correct ratios. GEAAR also includes all nine EAAs and arginine to help boost your performance during workouts and recovery afterward. If “full-calories” is actually a concept, GEAAR is exactly on point for meeting the definition. It’s definitely a much better option than empty-calorie sodas and “juice” drinks. GEAAR also does not contain artificial colors like Red No. 40, and the aminos are derived from 100% vegan aminos, not bird feathers or hair like so many other amino supps. GEAAR’s flavors are so refreshing, which is great because, let’s face it, the “flavor” of water can get old.
You Constantly Lose Electrolytes
You can lose a lot of electrolytes when working up a sweat. However, your body also loses water and electrolytes through breathing, urination, and the drier air that can occur from indoor heating. Water and electrolytes also continually evaporate through the skin regardless of temperature. It is important to remember that you sweat throughout the day, especially during your workouts, even though you may not realize it as much because it is colder outside.
Not Staying Hydrated During Winter Can Have Brutal Consequences
Just like in the summer months, you can still experience some brutal consequences from being dehydrated in the winter. Some of the first signs of dehydration to pay attention to are fatigue, dry mouth, lightheadedness, having darker-colored urine, and headaches. If you’re the type that likes to give your workouts your all, you won’t be able to if you’re dehydrated. You will experience muscle cramps, spasms, weakness, reduced stamina, and increased post-workout muscle soreness. Don’t do that to yourself, stay hydrated, friends!